Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thing # 9 RSS

I'm still not all that wild about this whole blogging concept. Don't I shoot the bull enough at work where there are people who will tell me to shut-up!?!

The thoughts on how to choose who you get blogged by was interesting. OK, it was a high-tech version of older suggestions on surrounding yourself with people smarter that yourself. Like that's real hard for me.

So, to the assisgment for this particular treasure hunt. I didn't find a newspaper dated Feb 1, but a neighbor did have a seat cushion for a high school stadium.

What did I like? I liked Google Blog Search best, probably because the RSS gods actually gave me blogs when I searched blogs. I asked for "million pennies" because I am about to propose our elementary school collect them next year, first to raise money, but also because there may be no better way to show kids just how much is a million. A Gifted and Talented group was proposing everything I would, but the kids are doing all the work. So much the better.

What did I not like? most of the rest of the search methods. Maybe my feed just doesn't like me but I tended to find commercial news rather than the folksy stuff like me.

An unfortunate bit of timing is that right now, when you search "million and pennies" you are going to find all sorts of stuff on the lucky stiff who just auctioned off 301 pennies for ten million dollars!

An observation on postings. I Google Blog searched SBISD and found an article on a recent school bus shooting. The comments were almost as frightening as the shooting. I saw racism, vulgarities and just scary stuff. What was it a colleage called it last week? Cyber bullying or Cyber trash?

I can see curling up with a couple of search parameters and looking for people who have already answered the questions I am just now thinking of. Like I have that much time.

By the way, for those who miss the train, our second graders still get a kick out of running the train when they earn the time. I entrust the remote to my more trusted readers and let them supervise the others. So far the train has not left the tracks (that are over 6 feet above the floor).

The district will be replacing the carpet in my library this summer, so all furniture, including the book shelves have to come out. That also means the train must be disassembled this May. Wish I had paid more attention to how I built it!!

Blessings upon all


VWB said...

take pictures before and during the dismantling of both your library and your will help in August when you go to put it all back!
take a vouple or three key how far a bookcase is from a corner or a wall or how much space between two bookcases. t will all help with putting the giant puzzle back together

Terry said...

VWb already left the the take pictures idea. I do hope you manage to get it back up next yera but I know it's a lot of work.