Saturday, December 22, 2007

Thing # 2

Comment on the 7 1/2

I think I can easily deal with most of the 7 1/2 habits. I am taking responsibility for my own learning right now, and this is part of the most difficult habit, using technology to my advantage. I have had many arguments with my boss and mentor over technology, since I am so swamped with the low-tech aspects of my job that I cannot usually see the utility of going after method for which I cannot currently see a use.

My first school library job came open because the incumbent did not want to learn all of the technology that had just come to the school in 1998 with the installation of T1 lines and library automation. The automation package was sitting on the counter when I came to school the first day, literally. It took us 6 weeks to get it fully installed. My techie and I learned by doing. This is how I learn. By doing. Theory means very little to me, and I will not learn it until you can show me how whatever you have will benefit my students, my teachers, or me.

I started to show a young autistic child how to manipulate an e-book the other day. He pushed me aside and took over the computer. And I mean he literally pushed me from my seat. All he needed was someone to show him the technology. He already knew he wanted it.

Now the final one - have fun. My current favorite author (this month) is Jarrett Krosoczka, author and illustrator of Punk Farm. I shared his book with my kids, adding the rock music from This makes for a loud, wild story time, but my primary goal is to show that reading really is a contact sport. Picture a 55 year old, overweight librarian jumping up and down, playing air guitar and drums. Goat, the bass player in the book, is next to this missive, as my photo.

The really cool thing about Punk Farm, is I am using it as an incentive. Classes who want to experience the sequel, Punk Farm on Tour, must earn 100 Accelerated Reader points since December 1. We are seeing great progress, and are having fun at the same time.

But my biggest challenge will be to incorporate some of this technology. I have to see another purpose besides just using another technology.

We shall see.

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