Friday, December 21, 2007

First Posting

Well, I did it! Got myself a blog. Not necessarily willingly, but nonetheless, I got me a blog.

Our district has invited us to dabble in some new ways to share information. I miss the spiral notebook, but here goes.

You noticed the train. Early each year I bring the train to school and offer "The Little Engine that Could" to Kindergarten. We have emphasized the letter "T" when the curriculum did that. Now-a-days we work on "I can", also "Si Puedo" for the majority of my students.

Did you know that once you let a five year old ride a train in the library, you just became her favorite person?

Things are not real quiet in this library. Part of that is me. I am not real quiet. The other part is the misguided architect who thought it would be fun to build a library without walls, but with a high, live ceiling. Eight hallways open into this library. I really am the Man in the Middle. All halls really do lead to the library!

When I can find a decent picture of it, I will show the railroad that operates over non-fiction. Students can earn time at the controls by reading.

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