Saturday, March 15, 2008

Thing # 18 Microsoft Who??

Looked around the website for awhile before downloading Open Office. They do make it possible to pay for this, but this is the last thing they mention. Open Office really would like everyone to contribute time to improving the program.

So far the only downside I can see is how long it took me to download. At one point, on my desktop, I seemed to be in a loop.

The product looks enough like MS Word that I could easily create a document. Some features that I looked at, like envelopes, are in a different place, but seem better than MS Word.

Can I gather that if the district were to adopt this, our Geeks would be able to load it much quicker than I did?

A question I would have, is how much is our school district spending now on site licensing from Microsoft, and how much would we be willing to donate to Open Office for what could be a better product?

I really liked several places in the final download where they did not force themselves into my life as my one and only software. This may change when it is time for my next computer.

What a concept. I am impressed.

1 comment:

Terry said...

And I would guess it takes a lot to impress you! Interesting idea to take $$ out of MS fees to upgrade Open Office...