Tuesday, August 25, 2009

11.5, Thing # 2

I went to Wordle. This is about as simple as I can handle. I was even able to do the following in this posting, which really impresses the electrons right out of me. The big challenge for the kids may be coming up with the text in the first place.

Wordle: Green Eggs and Wordle

Wordle wants us to give credit, Why not?: http://www.wordle.net

Time to get ready for school. More to come. I'm not dead yet.

1 comment:

Book Nook Girl said...

I like that you did Green Eggs and Ham! That Sam-I-Am! I love wordles! One suggestion I heard for text is for kids to copy the first few pages of a book or short story. Then see what words pop out and how that can help them make predicitons about the book. This will work best for older elementary kids.